Residence Lago di Como
Residence Lago di Como
tel: +39 3349211979

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Benvenuto nel mio piccolo spazio sul web. Qui condivido sempre degli spunti su come scoprire le bellezze del Lago di Como in ogni stagione.
Scoprirai eventi e luoghi da esplorare durante la tua vacanza.
- Sarah

Vercana, 25-02-2022

Monti di Vercana - The mountains above the Residence

February is an uncertain month: sometimes it shines the sun with spring-day temperature. Sometimes, the rain brings along the typical grey atmosphere of the Autumn with the clouds surrounding our mountains. Furthermore, some days are snow days, like a typical December Christmas Eve.

Sunny days are my favourite, they not only give me a taste of the Spring coming, but they also are perfect for trips to the panoramic points around Domaso. Our territory is full of hills and valleys that allow you to enjoy the Lake Como landscape up to Bellagio.

On last Sunday I went with my son to Vercana Mounts, right upon Domaso.

He loves this place because there are wide fields of grass where he can run and roll, he always has good time here! I love it too, because I can be in contact with nature and forget about the worries of everyday life. I like laying down on a blanket, reading a book enjoying the lukewarm sunshine and the amazing view. And when my husband comes with us, we play cards and take funny photos, too.

From the Residence it is necessary to follow the indications up to the hairpin turns. Many spots are parapetless, so pay attention both on foot and by car.

From the parking, follow the path through the grass and you will arrive to a group of lovely and cosy chalets, surrounded by slopes and grassy clearing, overlooking the lake and the mountains…lucky to live here!

From here you can see on your left the whole Pian di Spagna up to the doorway to Valtellina, in front of you there is the King: Monte Legnone rising above the Colico piana and the Gulf of Piona, on the right the view will take you up to the Monte San Primo upon Bellagio.

From the Vercana Mounts it is possible to reach the top of Monte Berlinghera by following the path, for a wider view on the mountains and my beautiful lake.

- Sarah



Residence Lago di Como, Case vacanza Via Provinciale, 25 22013 Vercana Lago di Como - Italia tel: +39 3349211979 fax: +39 03441972002
Informazioni legali:
Nacupenda sas di Cassera Camilla e Aggio Sarah & C. Via Dante, 25 22100 Como (CO)
P.Iva 03191220130
- CIN IT013239B4F7MJXDW4

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