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- Sarah
Vercana, 17-12-2020
The Natural Reserve of Pian di Spagna and Lake Mezzola and has been established to ensure in the spirit of the Ramsar Convention (1971), the environment suitable to stop and the nesting of the migratory birds, in order to protect and maintain the natural features and landscapes of the wetland, to regulate and control the use of the area for educational and recreational purposes and to regulate the socio-economic activities in the area, with respect for the needs of conservation of the environment. The Natural Reserve extends over an area from always disputed between land and water; the peculiarity of its geographical location makes it an area rich in interesting observation, both from a naturalistic point of view, both from the historical-cultural one. At the confluence of two valleys, Val Chiavenna to travel north-south and the Valtellina, travel east-west, and formed a low-lying area of alluvial origin, whose borders are defined by Lake Como, in its northern part from Lake Mezzola; the surrounding mountains, which are joined abruptly with the plan, are picturesque backdrop to this piece of plain, especially when you cover the gaudy autumnal tints. The toponym Pian Spain owes its origins to the historical events that occurred in this region: foreign invasions, battles and flourishing trade, but also for its precious scenic and environmental characteristics that the area is known and appreciated in Lombardy.
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